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A Smooth Transition
A Smooth Transition. The transition between preschool & reception can be challenging. What can we do to make this smoother? Many...

Is there a 'play-crisis'?
With an increasing number of reports and blogs, radio interviews and statistics being published regarding children who are starting...

Rhymers become readers!
Why nursery rhyme and the introduction of sounds are crucial to early literacy skill and phonemic awareness.

My Life as a Story Frog Teacher
My life as a Story Frog Teacher......... Life can send numerous different things your way at different times. As a mum, work life balance...

Don't we get it yet?
There's a little girl I know who sits in class everyday and just doesn't get it. She is five, she is year 1, she is summer born. She...

Schools in!!!! A blog from a reception teacher delaying her child's entry to school.
So we did it! One whole extra year at home and we are starting school this week! My daughter is five years and two months old and has...

The Story Frog Sandhurst and camberley has a new teacher!
I am so excited that the official launch of Story Frog Sandhurst, Camberley and Fleet is just a couple of days away. I am really looking...

I am a mum I am a superhero!
Listening to the local radio show the other day - they had a phone in - all about mums and how hard they are to employ! How unreliable...

Pregnancy, babies and delaying!
So here we are again six months later, having delayed my little girls entry to reception for one year - the question hangs in the balance...

It’s time to embrace the great outdoors!
As we see the clocks change and the nights draw in it is for us to encourage our little friends to embrace the cold outdoors a little...
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